Thursday, July 29, 2004

I hate Extra.

In fact, I hate all of pop culture. However, I am strangely addicted to it. Extra is on tv right now, and while all of me is screaming that I don't care that paris and nick got in a cab together last night, I can do nothing to change the channel. I want to, I just would love to not have crap on the tv, but i can't change it. also, i have to read anything about mary-kate olsen or the breakup of kirsten dunst and jake gyllenhaal. it's all just gossip and speculation, but i have to read it. on another note, i left "the missing" out of my list last time. that was surprisingly good. it was like "the searchers" but good, and slightly less racist (only slightly). at least john wayne wasn't in it. let me tell you about the worst class i ever took. the title was "film and literature", which sounds great, right? i'd heard great things about, like that it covered all of the classics. well, it turned out that whatever professor was teaching the class got to pick the genre they taught, and my professor decided that westerns were the way to go! it was so horrible! we started with an hour long silent western! i swore every tuesday and thursday that i was going to end my life. well, i made it through, but i've seen enough bad westerns to last a lifetime, most of them involving john wayne. argh. anyway, that was my western tangent. holy moly, i had the scariest dream this morning. i dreamt that i had a baby!!!! what would i do with a baby???? i really hope that it wasn't a preminition.... ok, i think that's it for the day. ttfn!

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