Wednesday, July 21, 2004

Mrs. Gyllenhaal

Jake Gyllenhaal is single!!!! He lives in Hollywood, which is coincidentally where I am moving in two months!! Alright, calm down reality with your "3 million people live in Hollywood" and "Jake Gyllenhall doesn't know you exsist" and "You have a boyfriend already"... That's all just blah blah blah to me! Jake and I will meet and get married and Derek will be there too. I'll just have two beautiful husbands... maybe we'll be mormon or something... Anyway, life in Tucson is ok. I am going crazy during my days off. Too much lying around and doing nothing can be a bad thing. Yesterday I went to Derek's office and hung around pretending to work. It was pretty nice, but today he had to leave his office early so I've just been lying around the house watching bad tv. Have you ever noticed just how bad daytime tv is? I think I hate the commercials the most. It pisses me off thinking that someone is getting paid actual money to put this crap on tv! In the past three days of watching way too much daytime tv, I have probably seen 3 decent commercials, and by decent I mean they don't make me want to throw up and die. I should be the person getting paid to make up stupid commercials. They'd have to be better than the shit that's on there now!! Argh. I know I should be enjoying this free time because I'll never have it in L.A., what with being Mrs. Gyllenhaal and all... Maybe I could get him to change his last name, because Angela Gyllenhall doesn't sound so cool. Jake Daniels, on the other hand, is pretty hot. Mmmm, Jake Daniels. Ok, I'm off to battle over the tv with my recently arrived roomate because Ellen is on in 10 minutes!!!!

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