Tuesday, September 21, 2004

Life as a gay man.

I've decided to adopt the attitude that I am an overly flambount gay man. It's going to be fabulous!I love gay men, especially those that are just over the top about everything, so that's me now! I wake up in the morning and say, "Look at that fabulous speciman of woman! Damn I'm hot! The world should adore me!" It's great. It helps me to overcome rejection. Like, all of these jobs I'm not getting, they obviously don't realize that I am brilliant or else they're too intimidated by my good looks... obviously. I also dance and sing a lot, but that's not any different from my life before I was a gay man. On another note, I have no money and I don't know how I'm going to pay my bills. I wish being fabulous was a full time job. that paid a lot. it's ok though, because being poor builds character. i think i'm going to look into performing at venice beach for spare change. i like how halfway through an entry i just stop using capital letters. eh, they're overrated anyway! hey, i've got a great idea! i should start charging people to read my blog! hey brian, pay up!! since you're my only reader i'll have to charge you more than i normally might, just to cover my costs, ya know? so, let's say 2 dollars a word, so.... five thousand dollars? sounds about right... you can just send it me in cash or money order, no checks. thanks!

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