Sunday, October 31, 2004

Happy Halloweenie!

And happy daylight savings time! Hooray! I get to sleep in an hour later, which is great because I traded shifts with Lenka and now have to work at 8am as opposed to 5pm. That also means I get to go out tomorrow night with Andy and the posse to West Hollywood where I am promised I will see hundreds of fabulously gay men in boas! Hooray!
Today was a good and bad Derek day. I cried more than I have in awhile, but then I put everything that reminds me of him away in a box, and that felt good. I'm accepting that it's over and trying really hard to push fantasies of reconciliation out of my mind. I know it's going to be a long time before I'm completly over the whole thing, but I feel a little better. I guess that's all I can really ask for. Well, goodnight and have a pleasant tomorrow. I will try to do the same!

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