Tuesday, November 16, 2004


So, my friend Andy called tonight just to let me know that he hasn't forgotten about me. It was a very nice call. And, he asked me, "How is your heart?" It was a very lovely question and I rather enjoyed it. How is my heart? Well, it's still broken, but it's still beating. I told him it was healing, and I guess that's all I can ask for. How do you heal a broken heart? Time is the common answer, but time takes too long. I wish it was all over already, that I could wake up tomorrow and just be fine. I have all of this hurt and anger just brewing inside of me, and I'm tired of it. I want to be okay, I want to know that I can and will love again, and that I can be loved. I feel like my relationship with he who shall not be named was a lie, that he truly never loved me, but I know that's not true. I just wish I could accept it, and move on. I keep having ridiculously real dreams about him, and it hurts. But, just knowing that I have friends out there that care about my heart makes it better. So, to you Andy, I say thank you. And to my heart, I say, heal faster! There will be better loves and one day, someday, a great love. Someday...

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