Wednesday, November 24, 2004

Hello!! (said sideways while waving jazz hands and kicking)

I miss Jaimie, so I've started talking and acting like her. So, let's talk about yesterday. Yesterday shall be known now and forever as "The Day that Angela and Dave-Mike Hung Out!". Dave-Mike is my neighbor across the way. His name is actually just Mike, but he looks just like Jaimie's friend Dave, so we call him Dave-Mike. He lives with Chad-Mike, Matt-Mike, and Iris. Chad-Mike's name is Mike too, but he looks like a Chad, and Matt-Mike is actually just Matt, but we're going with the whole Mike theme. Iris hates us, but that's cool. Anyway, I saw Dave-Mike (DM) outside yesterday afternoon, and it was his day off too! So, we went to the grocery store together and then baked cookies, watched Elf, drank boxed wine, and went to Subway. All in all, it was a glorious day! One that will go down in the history books!
On another note, this morning at the CB&TL, Dr. Dan (the chiropractor from upstairs, keep up) came in and ordered his usual. We were talking, as we do, and it turns out that Zach Braff is one of his clients and he is going to bring him in to meet me the next time he has an appointment! Zach Freaking Braff! My master plan is finally falling into place! Fantastic. Or, as Flava Flav would say, "Mackadacious".
I have had "Les Miserables" stuck in my head all day long. I think tonight when my sister gets here we will put on a low budget rendition of the entire musical. It's going to be phenomenal!!! And now, friends, I must leave you. I shall always think of you singing and dancing.

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