Today's the day.
Well, I have closure. Derek called me today to let me know he sent my stuff and it should get here tomorrow. I was actually in the middle of writing him an email when he called. At first, the tone of the conversation was very kurt, and I told him I knew he had a new girlfriend and I wish he had been honest with me. I told him I needed closure and the way he ended things didn't give that to me. He said he was sorry for the way he handled things and we had a decent conversation. Towards the end, we were even joking and laughing. I'm not angry anymore. I'm still hurt and sad and I don't want to date again for a very long time, but I'm not angry. I think that eventually he and I will be friends and it won't be weird. I know now that he's not the one for me, and that stings like a papercut in my heart, but I can accept it. Somewhere out there my soul mate is just waiting to meet me, and I will be happy in love again someday. Until then, no more mention of Derek in this blog! I am healing, and the first step is to build new memories without him and to not hold on to the past, so here it goes! I am young, single, and hot in a city filled with beautiful people. I'm ready for the time of my life!
*~*What do you get when you fall in love? You only get lies and pain and sorrow so for at least until tomorrow I'll never in love again, I'll never fall in love again*~* Elvis Costello
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