Tuesday, December 14, 2004

I had a breakfast date this morning!

With a very awesome guy. I hope to see more of him. After breakfast, which was very early in the morning, i drove to Torrance and had 5 vials of my blood drawn for the study. Then I came home and Jaimie said, "Oooh, you look sassy", which i did because i dressed up for my breakfast date. We didn't kiss though, which is fine because it was a first date. Anyway, so i came home and Dave-Mike brought me popcorn, which would have been fabulous but it was spicy popcorn and i wasn't all about it. I need to do laundry. Also, I need to meet Zach Braff and have him fall madly in love with me. Hot thing about guy I had breakfast with, name is Xander. That's hot. Well, I'm off to read my porn book. Peace.

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