Wednesday, February 09, 2005

Damn you Rory's dad!

Not only did David Sutcliffe potientally steal my phone, he ruined Lorelai and Luke's relationship! Did you catch Gilmore Girls last night? Holy crap!! Damn that David Sutcliffe!!! On to better news, there is not a Gilmore Girls calendar available for purchase, but at you can download months for free and print them out! My life is perfect!! As for the phone situation, they are sending me a new one and it should get here today or tomorrow. Hopefully today because living without a phone is very very hard! The worst thing about getting a new phone is that cell phones have completly ruined my ability to memorize numbers, so I have no access to my closest friends. Prepare for a mass email demanding phone numbers, that should be fun! Harold and Kumar should get here any day now, and on that day, my life will be complete. I haven't talked to Josh, the whole no phone thing, but hopefully he will be my valentine's date. Yoda says no, but he is a backwards yoda, so I think that means yes. We'll see. Right now we have Napoleon Dynamite, or as we call it, Nap D, and it is amazing. The features are soooo funny! Well, I will leave you now with a "Goooosh", and a "Girls want guys with skills, like sweet numchucks skills". Ain't that the truth?

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