Friday, March 04, 2005


Somehow, the OC was erased from the dvr before I saw it! I don't know how this could have happened! It was scheduled to record yesterday, it always is, and it's supposed to be saved until manually erased. The only answer is that my roomate erased it, but why would she do that? Why, why, why? Oh, what am I to do? I am out of the OC loop, I have no idea what's happening, and I didn't get to stare at Adam Brody for an hour this week. Life is so unfair!

ps- on a completly unrelated note, i think i'm changing my comments to the way steph and mark have it. i like not having to scroll to read the newest comment. the only time doing it that way is really a problem is if you haven't been keeping track of the comments from the beginning and there are like 17 million of them and you have to scroll anyway. the end.

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