Tuesday, March 15, 2005


So, I'm not going to be on the Jeopardy!Clue Crew, but that's cool. I'm an actor, I'm used to rejection. I did however get to tour the Sony lot and sit in the Wheel of Fortune studio. The wheel is tiny! It's literally the size of a bed! And the big wall where all of the letters come up, which is also like 5 feet tall, is really just a bunch of tv screens! Oh, the magic of wide angle lenses! It's all very amazing to me. So, I have to stay at the Bean for a little while longer, but don't you worry dear friends, I'll be a superstar soon enough!
I'm super excited about karaoke on Thursday! I need to dance! I'm going to wear my I Lovermont t-shirt because it's bright green! No pinching for me, friends! Why are all of my sentences ending in exclamation points? I guess it's late and I'm over excited! I'm getting all fuhklempt. How do you spell fuhklempt? Ah, life's little mysteries.
My friend Davida's coming to visit tomorrow! Hooray! I'm super excited, except that I have to clean my room. That never makes me happy. I don't think I'll ever get married because I don't think that any man will ever be able to live in my mess. It's cool, as long as I get some sex every once in a while I should be alright. Ok kids, I'll write later when I have more to say. Peace out.

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