Monday, March 28, 2005

I fucking need you now tonight.

Don't you hate it when someone's not who you expect them to be? There's this guy who comes in every once in a while and I've developed sort of a crush from afar kind of thing. Well, I finally talked to him today, like actually had a conversation, and he is nothing like what I imagined. It would be a miracle if we could even be friends, let alone red hot lovers. How disappointing! The problem is that I have such a vivid imagination. Once I have a crush on somebody I can fantasize about everything from first dates to imaginary conversations. Then, I create this perfect match for me without really basing it on who the person actually is and I get so worked up about this person... and then I actually get to know them and it's nothing but a let down. Bah. I guess I'll have to find someone else to fantasize about. Back to Adam Brody I suppose.
A ridiculous thing happened at work today. There's this relatively new girl, Ashley, and I absolutly love her. We instantly clicked and now every shift we have together is insanity! We call each other bff, and this morning I told her she was no longer my bff because she was being a bitch, and so she took a sharpie and wrote "fuck you" on my arm. Then, she goes over to this random guy sitting in the corner and tells him I'm interested in him! I was soooo embarrassed! He said he didn't really know what I looked like, so he pretended to get water so he could come over and check me out. It was so humiliating. Then he left, without saying anything to me, which I was kind of glad for, but I also felt insulted. I was definetly cute enough to date him. He should be so lucky. So, an hour later, the phone rings and my manager gets it. It was some guy asking for me, but she told him I was busy and to call back later. He didn't, but I can only assume it was that guy because no one else calls me at work. Great. Now I've got a stalker. Thanks Ashley! She's still my bff though. She's trying to hook me up with a 35 year old artist named Darren. I like the artist part, and I can live with the old man thing, but I don't think I could date a guy named Darren. I have standards, you see.

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