Friday, March 18, 2005

The Netflix Wars

There is a war currently going on in our house. We have had "The Village" and "Amorres Perros" for 3 weeks because Lenka claims she really wants to see them, yet hasn't made an effort to watch them. Jaimie and I have already seen both of them, because we actually did want to see them and watched them when they first came, 3 weeks ago. Lenka did try to watch "the Village" once, 3 days ago, but gave up because the sound on the DVD player keeps going out at random times. Our other DVD playeris also broken, but, we have 2 other players because some redneck that hangs out at Jaimie's work gave them to her. So, I offered to hook up one of the other dvd players, and Lenka's all, "no, that's ok...". So, Jaimie is sooo pissed off right now. It's that time of the month where we give Lenka the 6.50 for Netflix, and Jaimie is going to confront her about it. She's going to tell her to either a) send back the movies immediatly, or b) pay for Netflix for the next month by herself since she seems to want to be the lord and master of it. I understand that Lenka has this new job and she's busy, or whatever, but it pisses me off because it's happened multiple times when she's sent back something that I've wanted to see after having it for only afew days, and then when I ask her about it she'll say, "well, you can put it back on the que if you really want to see it". Well, I think it's time she has a taste of her own medicine. Or, some other cliche that's fitting.

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