Random Musings.
Funny tidbit at work today. I asked this woman what her name was, so I could put it on her drink, and she said Stacy, but I could've sworn she said Satan. I stood there, wide-eyed, just staring at her blankly, wondering if this woman really thought she was the dark lord if I'd just misheard her. Then I realized she'd said Stacy and I started laughing uncontrollably. I, of course, had to explain to her why I was laughing like a maniac, and she didn't seem too upset about it. That's good. I think if some random coffee bean employee called me the master of all things evil, I might get a little upset. Of course, Angela sounds nothing like Satan.
This is how pathetic my life is at this moment. Well, not my whole life. For the most part, things are looking up. I'm like Mary Tyler Moore throwing her hat up in the busy Manhattan streets. You know how it is. I guess this really just reflects more upon how pathetic my love life is. I was sitting here reading Brian's newest entry, which is fantastic, by the way, and I noticed I had coffee grounds stuck in my cuticles. I was looking for a nail file, or something with an edge to clean it with, and I saw a condom sitting on my nightstand. So, I removed the coffee grounds, admiring my good work, when I realized how sad it is when you are using condoms to clean your nails.
I recently quit drinking. It's by no means a permanent thing, I'm just giving it up for awhile. I decided on this after going to work completly hungover 8 days ago. I had to will myself not to throwup in the bathroom. And I thought to myself, "Super Fabulous Angela (that's what I call myself in my head) why do you do this to yourself? It's not fun. Nothing was made more eventful by downing that six pack of beer, 2 glasses of wine, and a few shots of rum with Dave-Mike last night." And I was right. So I quit. It's going pretty well so far, but it was really weird to sit around the house Friday night without a glass of wine in my hand. Don't even get me started on karaoke without alchohol! I ended up paying 36 dollars for a diet coke. Bah. I did however learn that my exhibitionism is natural and not just brought on by jack and cokes. Jessica and I flashed the bartender, which did bring the bill down to 36 bucks instead of 80. Thank god for breasts. ( o ) ( o )
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