Wednesday, March 23, 2005


That stands for "Thank god it's America's Next Top Model day", but I like that it spells out t giant, m.d. That's hot. So, I went to the laundromat last night and it almost killed me. I hate laundromats with the passion of a thousand fiery suns. aaaaargh. and i bought a copy of maxim at 7/11 to pass the time and it was $5.40! i almost crapped my pants!! i told the cashier it better be the best magazine ever, and so far it hasn't disappointed. i think that working for maxim or adult swim would be the best job ever. man, if i could work for maxim during the day and adult swim at night, i would be the happiest person in the whole entire world. swim.
i had something to write about and i'm fairly certain it was informative and thought provoking, but i'm not sure what it was. oh well, i guess i'll just write about jaimie and joe. they are the cutest couple ever. seeing them makes me want a boyfriend, which isn't really something that i want to focus on right now. but, it's cool, they're a great couple and i'm hang around with them. we're going to play guillotine tonight....fabulous! yesterday joe was playing ddr and he was soooo bad at it i just laughed and laughed and laughed. he seemed to think that he had to pound the arrows and the whole apartment was shaking. i'm sure the downstairs neighbors hate us and wish we were dead. i don't care because i hate them too!
ok, i'm off to enjoy an evening of mind-numbing entertainment. oh, don't forget to boycott mark until he watches zoolander!! have a great night!

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