Friday, April 15, 2005


They magically reappeared. Forget that minor freakout.
So, just got done watching Spanglish. Great movie, really... I was a little disappointed with the end though. I'm a hopeless romantic though, so I always want the impractical ending. Also, OC, fabulous tonight. Although, if Ryan and Marissa don't kiss soon, I'm going to jump out of a window. They've just been building it for soooooo long now, and it's getting ridiculous.
I've started going to the gym regularly, and I'm pretty certain that I will not be able to walk tomorrow. Pretty certain. So, if I get fired for not being able to do anything, at least I'll look skinny.
Good god, the sandwich in Spanglish looks fucking amazing! And, in the extras, there's a recipe for it!!! I'm going to go buy the ingredients tomorrow and feast like a king! Like a king I tells ya! Ok, that's about it. Oh, and thanks for all of your help selecting a headshot! I ♥ you all!!

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