Saturday, May 07, 2005

For the love of...

Hey. So this entry was going to be about how I almost beat this guy to death with my bare fists this morning, which I almost did (it took all of the strength in my body not to physically attack him), but then an amazing thing happened and it made all of the other shit at work seem meaningless! Sarah Michelle Gellar came in and I rang her up AND made her drink and it was amazing and I loved every second of it and I think that I'm actually taller than her! Isn't that incredible? Suprisingly, I didn't freak out or tell her I loved her or anything, I just treated her like a normal customer (even though I wanted to ask her if working with Joss Whedon is amazing, which I'm pretty sure it is). Hooray! So, that made this morning bearable! What also made it bearable was when I got soooooo fed up with something and I really wanted to shout out "Jesus Fucking Christ", but I really can't do that in public, let alone while I'm working, so instead I shouted, "William H. Macy!!!" and then Ashley and I started cracking up because it was so ridiculous! And now we're using it regularly, and we've started to adapt it, like, "For the love of William H.!" It's spectacular. One last funny work story. I was getting some coffee for a customer, and I was talking to my coworker and he had switched the dark and flavored pots somehow, so I said, "Uhhhhhh, you're killing me. I'm literally dying. First of all, you switch the dark and the flavored and I hate that. Second of all, I'm trying to help some customers and everything's in disarray, and I'm telling you, I'm just going to go walk into traffic in the middle of Ventura. Don't test me, I'll do it" and then I turn around, and Annette Benning is standing there laughing at me. It was fantastic! That's really the only perk of my job, that it's in Studio City and I get to see some of my favorite stars from time to time.

I really really really really REALLY want to go to KROQ's Weenie Roast!!!!! I've been trying to win tickets all weekend, but no luck so far. I have to win tickets, because I can't afford to buy them, but I really need to go to this show, it's necessary. I might fall over and die if I don't go. It's entirely possible. Ok, I'm going to go surf the internet for however long nascar is on. why must there be a saturday night race? why? oh william h, what did I ever do to deserve this???

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