Friday, May 06, 2005

I finally did it.

i quit smoking, which is something i've been saying i was going to do since i officially started smoking in october. it's such a disgusting habit, and i've always hated it, but it's got that whole addiction thing going for it. no more, i say! i'm through with it! it hasn't been too easy, so far, though. i kinda snapped after dinner when lenka said, "i feel completely satisfied" and i replied, "I want a fucking goddamned cigerratte, fucking balls shit fuck cunt motherfucking shit balls fuck shit". perhaps not smoking has given me tourette's syndrome. that's cool.
so, i have this gigantic pimple right inbetween my eyebrows. i've named it reynoldo, and i like to tell jaimie things like, "reynoldo is my soulmate, he came at exactly the right time" and "i wonder why that hot guy didn't come talk to us. maybe my new friend reynoldo scared him away". i'm actually really enjoying it. not the pimple itself, but the treatment of said pimple.
ugh. we saw "kingdom of heaven" tonight. worst movie ever. it was sooooo bad. the acting was horrible, the writing was atrocious, and the basic editing of the film was very confusing. i think i was most upset by the writing, though. it was sooooo effing bad. it made me want to find the writer and punch him in the face. he had obviously never heard of exposistion, or else had absolutely no idea how to incorporate it into the dialogue. there were so many times that titles were used when it would have been just as easy to have someone say, "hey, we're in jerusalem now", or "i'm off to find my son". it was ridiculous! and the character development is awful. the bad guy is just bad for no reason, and suddenly this woman starts going crazy. but in a really weird and pointless way. and the whole battle between christianity and islam, i wasn't rooting for either side. i was completely indifferent to who won or how they did it. i really just wanted everyone to stop fighting and live together in peace and harmony, but i was pretty sure that wasn't going to happen. history is perhaps not my strongest subject, but i was pretty sure the christians and the muslims didn't just hug and start drinking beers together. that would have been cool though. anyway, don't see this movie, even if it's free. god, if i'd paid money for this, heads would have rolled.
bah. i need to sleep. goodnight!

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