Sunday, May 29, 2005

Jaimie and I are sooo normal.

fort fun!
Originally uploaded by angelapants.
So, yesterday, Jaimie comes home and says, "Do you want to come build a fort with me? I'm in a bad mood", and so, I said, "Of course! I can't think of anything more normal than that!". Thus, our fort was made! I wish I had an actual digital camera instead of just my crappy cell phone, but you can sort of get the idea here. Jaimie is peeking out from underneath the fort. We built by pulling the mattress off the daybed and suspending it between the coffee table and my excercise ball. Then, we turned our lawn chair upside down and hung a blanket between that and the arm of the couch. Finally, we hung my yoga mat over the edge to create a magical flap of happiness. Essentially, it is the greatest living room fort that has ever exsisted. Thank you.

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