Monday, May 16, 2005

Seth Green and I are in a fight!

For years I have had my trademark joke. It goes like this:

A pirate walks into a bar and he has a steering wheel coming out of his pants. The bartender says, "Excuse me sir, is that a steering wheel coming out of your pants?" and the pirate says, "Arrrr, yes it is, and it's driving me nuts!"

I don't know where I first heard or read this joke, but over the years I've made it my own. Everytime I tell it, I do a flawless pirate accent and the people go wild! Well, this morning, while I was watching the latest "Robot Chicken" on dvr, I saw a skit with a pirate standing on a dock with a steering wheel coming out of his pants! And then he said, "It's driving me nuts!". Wha?? Seth Green stole my pirate joke!! He stole it and he put it in his show and now I can never tell it again! It was my joke, my favorite joke, the joke I told when asked to tell a joke. Now I have no joke. Damn you Seth Green!! Damn you to hell!!!!!

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