Monday, October 31, 2005

My life...rated!

I took this stupid quiz and this is how it rated my life:

This Is My Life, Rated
Take the Rate My Life Quiz

Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm off to go chug some drano. Bottoms up!!

Sunday, October 30, 2005

A functioning member of society!

That's what I am! I start my new job tomorrow and I'm semi-excited/semi-confused as to why they hired me/semi-about not to be broke! Hooray! It's my first salary job with benefits and vacation and such. Hmmm... not much else to update... wanna makeout?

Thursday, October 06, 2005

I'm back and ready for action!

So, freakout over, I'm back and better than ever..... well, maybe not than ever, but better nonetheless. consider me angela 2.0, mentally stable and ready to kick some terrorist ass. oh, sorry, i forgot i'm not part of team america... happens sometimes. anyway, the point is that i am out of the hospital and ready to get the hell out of baltimore!!! the east coast freaks me out. it makes me want to run around kicking everyone. i won't, obviously, because people here have knives and guns, but that won't stop me from thinking about it! sooooo, the plan now is to get a temporary job as soon as possible save as much money as i can by march and FLEE!!!! i don't actually have a destination yet, but i am considering a cross country tour of friends somewhere along the way. stops would include new york, chicago, tucson, phoenix, san diego and l.a. that's the plan stan.
in the ironies of all ironies, i have an interview next week to be manager at an Abercrombie and Fitch. This makes me laugh mostly because i have never and will never buy anything at that ridiculous store. in fact, i'm betting there's less than a one percent chance that i will actually get this job... i don't know if that makes me happy or sad.
ok friends, i love ya and i'm looking forward to seeing you all sometime in the near future!
ps-mark lindsay, you're on my list of things that might not suck on the east coast. prepare yourself for a brian-mark-angela fiesta!!!!

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