*My house! Our newest mantra is Kick, Stretch, Stretch, Thrust, and Robot. It's really quite fabulous. Last night we started singing kick in three-part harmony. I really think that only we can understand and appreciate our weirdness.
*Zach Braff, although I still haven't met him.
*Peppermint Ice Blendeds with whipped cream!
*DVR!!!! Today I watched 3 recorded episodes of Mythbusters and I think in the last week I've watched over 10 hours of Gilmore Girls!!! Hooray!
*Smoking. I really enjoy it. I'm going to be very sad when I have to quit.
*Nam Myoho Renge Kyo. That's the phrase we chanted at the Buddhist church I went to on Sunday with Evan. It's very comforting to say over and over again. I highly reccomend it.
*Garlic toast with spaghetti sauce. I know, sounds weird, but it was the last two food items I had left, so I tried it. Now I'm hooked!
*Friends. Thank god for them!
That is all for right now. Now I shall go do something else I enjoy, going to the bathroom! Hooray!!!