It's list time!!
Things I hate:
1. When you post on someone's blog and they continue posting to someone else or go off on a tangent and it's like you don't even exsist. I just ask for acknowledgement, people.
2. When Lenka hogs the tv for hours on Saturday AND Sunday to watch Nascar, or as I call it, Hillbilly TV.
3. Everyone in Studio City.
4. When you give a guy your number and he never ever calls.
5. Basil. that's right, I hate basil.
6. When unknown numbers call your cell and don't leave messages.
Things I love:
1. Steph's logo for the Church of the OC. God, it's glorious!
2. Michelob Ultra.
3. Crazy friends that leave 4 minute long messages on your phone at ungodly hours in the morning.
4. A sister that says things like, "don't be a stranger". Of course I can't be a stranger, I'm your freaking sister.
5. Watching Harold and Kumar when I'm feeling blue... or the Gilmore Girls.
6. You, dear reader, you.