myths and religion
the following is a blog i started a few nights ago, but i think it's still relevant because "passion of the christ" comes out on video today. coincedentally, the south park version, "passion of the jew", also comes out today...
so, last night i had a panic attack about moving to l.a. i don't know if it was technically a panic attack, but i couldn't breathe and i was crying uncontrollably and i was really really scared. hmm, when but that way, then, yes, i do think it was technically a panic attack. anyway, this blog isn't about that. the point is, i couldn't calm down and so i got up and decided to read. my roomate was in the living room and i didn't want to go out there all crazy and hyperventilating, so i found something in the room to read: derek's bible. let me preface this by saying that i am not anti-the-bible, or anti-religion or christianity or anything, i just have my own religious beliefs that don't involve organized religion. that being said, there are some messed up things in the bible!! seriously, it's a wacked out thing! in all truth, i did only get through genesis, so i can't say that the rest of it is the same, but, woah. it got me thinking about religion in general. the creation story in the bible is not too different from creation myths i've read from native americans and african tribes, nor is the bible much different than old greek mythology. it's all an epic adventure, only in the bible, there is one god as opposed to many in, say, the odyssey. speaking of, i don't think i know how to spell the odyssey. that's pretty embarrassing, huh? anyway, my point is that most religions have similar themes, and therefore, there is no need to kill one another because of different religious beliefs. really, it seemed so much more poignant in my head, but i guess i'm basically saying that we should all just get along. now go hug a stranger and call your mom!